This page provides resources related to student discipline and school safety:
Texas Education Code, Chapter 37
Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code (TEC) addresses safe schools, student discipline, and behavior management.
TASB School Safety Resources
The Texas Association of School Boards assists districts with legal and policy matters related to student discipline and safe schools. TASB Policy Service offers a model student code of conduct, in addition to sample policies and forms. TASB Legal Services offers online FAQs on Title IX School Safety Choice Option Documents
The Unsafe School Choice Option (USCO) requires each state receiving Elementary and Secondary Education Act funds to establish and implement certain statewide policies. Such policies require that students attending a persistently dangerous public school or students who become victims of a violent criminal offense while in or on the grounds of a public school that they attend be allowed to attend a safe public school. In Texas, the USCO policy is designated the School Safety Choice Option.
The links listed below contain information relating to student discipline from the U.S. Department of Education:
Office of Safe and Healthy Students
The Office of Safe and Healthy Students replaced the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools effective Sept. 26, 2011. It is housed within the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. The office administers, coordinates, and recommends policy for improving health and safety in schools.
Emergency Planning for Schools
Emergency Planning for Schools is a service provided by the Office of Safe and Healthy Schools that provides information that can help school leaders plan for any emergency, including natural disasters, violent incidents and terrorist acts.
Creating Safer Schools FAQ
The link above contains frequently asked questions about crime and safety in schools.
Office of Civil Rights
OCR enforces several Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive Federal funds from the Department of Education.
Safe Schools, Healthy Students
The SS/HS Initiative is a unique Federal grant-making program designed to prevent violence and substance abuse among our Nation's youth, schools, and communities.
The links listed below contain information relating to student discipline from the Texas Education Agency:
PEIMS: Appendix E Discipline (Word)
This appendix describes in greater detail the requirements of TEA Chapter 37 of Discipline Management and the definitions of discipline action reason.
Student Attendance Handbook
Chapter 10 of the handbook addresses nontraditional schools, including alternative education programs, juvenile justice alternative education programs, suspension, and expulsion.
Dropout Prevention Information
The link above contains information, statistics and resources about Texas dropout rates, policy, and programs.